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密室の風景 Scenery of the confined space

2019年8月10日(土)、11日(日) 18:00

主催/engram × 山田企画
共催/金沢21世紀美術館 [公益財団法人 金沢芸術創造財団]

企画, 構成, 演出, パフォーマンス/山田洋平, 伊藤満彦(engram主宰)
音楽家(ギター, 尺八, サウンドインスタレーション)/アンドレ・ヴァン・レンズバーグ
プロモーションビデオ, フライヤー, 写真/加賀美順一

Concepts: Yohei Yamada, Mitsuhiko Ito

Director: Yohei Yamada


Kana Anayama, Mitsuhiko Ito, Yohei Yamada (dance)

Setsuhi Shiraishi (Japanese calligraphy)

Andre Van Rensburg (music)

Venue: 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, 10-11th Aug. 
Organized and produced by : engram and  YAMADA KIKAKU 
Co-produced by : 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa (Kanazawa Art 
Promotion and Development Foundation)

Provincial cities, Tokyo, countries, can all be considered as “confined spaces” . 
Confined spaces can be seen everywhere. In our creative activities, in our personal 
lives, within our communities, whether it be spiritual or 
physical. These can block us from new ideas, unknown emotions and encounters. But, 
at the same time, they can also protect us from fear and unexpected attacks. 
In this performance, I’ d like to explore what this state of confinement could eventually 
do to us. People watching  (in other words, bystanders) peek into this personal, private 
space which is not usually open to the public. Therefore, they are complacent. The 
landscape of this confined space is automatically affected by the visitor, and changes 
its shape in various ways depending on the observer’ s point of view.


© 2030 by Yohei Yamada

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