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非合理な無口の静かな囁き  The Irrational Whisper

振付・演出・企画・コンセプト: 山田洋平

パフォーマンス: 山田洋平

映像: 久田歩美

スキャニング監修: 花坂薫平(フェルデンクライスメソッドプラクティショナー)

初演: 2015年10月10,11日 香林坊窟

主催: 金沢有志アーティスト

金沢21世紀美術館主催企画、「Museum x KNZ Fringe〜街と、人と、出会う」関連企画





スペシャルサンクス:青木舞子、Kanazawa Art Port(Kapo)、シネモンド




‘The Irrational Whisper’

The rational and efficient things always talk a lot. And then, we shift our point of view and conception from inside to outside, ignoring our awareness. On the other hand, the irrational things are still without saying a word and whisper something. We could not catch that unless we try to feel that consciously. In this performance, the guests are guided into an empty room by a performer and prepared for listening to the irrational whisper. 

Concept,  choreograph, direction, performance: Yohei Yamada

Movie: Ayumi Hisada

Scanning supervision : Kunpei Hanasaka (Feldenkrais Method practitioner)


Premier: 10,11th Oct, 2015

Produce: Kanazawa Artists

(related to 21th museum of comtenporary art, Kanazawa produce ”Museum x KNZ Fringe”)

supported by: Hokkoku News paper company, FM Ishikawa, TV Kanazawa, Radio Komatsu, NPO Syuto-Kanazawa

Special Thanks: Maiko Aoki, Kanazawa Art Port (Kapo), cinemond, 


© 2030 by Yohei Yamada

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