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​トク・トケル Toku Tokeru








初演:2021年11月20,21日 滝ヶ原芸術祭参加作品

場所:石川県小松市滝ヶ原町 石切場跡地

In Japan, "Toku" is the etymology of time and also, means to melt.

The Japanese may have recognized the melting, loosening, flowing, and changing of existing things as "time" since ancient times.

The work unfolds by contrasting the time of thermodynamics with the time of dynamics.

Concepts and Direction: Yohei Yamada

Dance: Isamu Gokita

Music: Kazuya Matsumoto

Japanese Calligraphy : Setsuhi "eri" Shiraishi

Acting and Music: Kana Kuroki

Premier: 20,21 / Nov. / 2021 (Takigahara Arts Fes. )

Venue: Takigahara, Ruins of Quarry (JAPAN)


© 2030 by Yohei Yamada

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